Tag Archives: Poetry

No Emotions

The Sunshine shines on the farm  The farmer awakes on the alarm  The birds that chirp, the new crops that were harvested  The tomatoes and potatoes that got marketed  The farmer’s emotions disappear Allowing […]


In a hot and loud classroom somewhere in Manhattan Girl in black stares out the window yearning for peace. Oblivious teacher in a button-up shirt gestures to an image of the 1960s Students who […]


Flight is the pounding feeling in my heart when I am onstage,  about to perform Flight is the flurry of butterflies in the pit of my stomach when I  try something new Flight is […]

Fatal Feelings

“You are not equivalent to my race
Stop trying to change my broken face
I can kill myself
But I’ll do it slowly
My smile is there but fading shortly
Figure out how you wanna write your story
You will never put that pen down
You look at me with raging glory”

Miriam’s Song

“We tell them who we are.
First, people. Second, Jewish.
Here to spread the love of those around us,
Not to kill.
Here to help people that don’t have as much as we do,
Not to hurt.
Here to tell people that they are not alone in this big, scary world,
Not to hate.”


“The stunning Azure waves whip the rocks, engulfing them in sea.
Bubbles rise up, expiring at the foamy surface.
At sunrise, the horizon spreads fiery colors over the calm ripples.”


“The scent of all these sweet fruits and vegetables begin to make me nauseous
I wish for an AC in this horrible and hot place
I feel so weary in this place
I beg someone to get me out of this place, but alas, there is no one here”

My Past

“Crying is like being a punk about it, that’s what people on the street say. The boy didn’t believe it at first when he came in the room on a Saturday in June and his mom was crying and said, “Your father passed away.””


“The ingenue dreamed of a catastrophic world of cerulean music. / There were many realms in that world, each surprisingly different. / Her favorite glowed during the day with beautiful, cloudless skies. / The night sky was gorgeous as well, colorful but dark.”

Cotton Candy Skies

“Reach up, up, to the cotton candy skies. To the heavens of pink, of white, and of gray, to the spun-sugar taste of a spring’s lovely day. The fire’s smoke twists into skeins of dark air, but the blue sky’s cobwebs knot into pale hair. Sunlight and moonlight and light of all hues, quiet in violet and in all types of blues.”

Black Girl

“I am expected to drop out of school at sixteen due to pregnancy, and raise a baby without a father. / I am expected to live off of minimum wage with a fast food job and welfare for financial support. / Expected to live in the projects for the rest of my life until I make it out of it, but really never make out of it.”

Countdown to Freedom

“The turquoise water shimmered. Small waves flowed onto the black sand of the beach before heading back into the sea. The island positively glowed with sunlight reflecting off the water while palm trees provided shade. It was picturesque, except for the old, wooden mansion that stood tall in the middle of the island.”

A Body That is Not Your Own

“When you are born, you receive two gifts. / You get a gender, and you get a name. / Most of the time, these gifts are kept. Most of the time, people are content with these gifts. / But sometimes, people don’t like these gifts. They want different gifts. And when they ask for different gifts, they often get the answer that they had hoped would be out of the conversation entirely.”


“It happens quite often that I feel my thoughts start to disseminate like continental drift.
It happens also that I feel like I am biting into a chunk of solid butter.
Sometimes, though, it is melted butter, and sometimes, the butter is whipped.”

Smaller Than the Sky

“Chewing my cuticles when you laughed at something the girl with the sunset hair said to you
Swallowing the cloud in my throat as I practiced asking you if we would still meet every Friday to watch the stars
Realizing, when the fog cleared, I would never ask”


“Butterflies flutter around my head and leap and frolic through the air. The flower’s fragrant aroma gently floats on the balmy morning breeze as the swing set in the deserted old playground creaks.”

Vanilla Sugar

“And the sky blue of my walls matches the color of my eyes and now that I think about it, that’s tacky. My walls should be light grey to match the color of my eternal need for whipped cream because it’s not with passion it’s with longing, and light grey is the international color of rainy days and on rainy days you long for the sun. But I don’t long for the sun.”

Their Beloved

“The spiderweb of her hair waves in the soft breezes that blow off the ocean that I like to think are made from sailor’s salty tales and mermaid’s murderous secrets. She isn’t looking at me so she doesn’t notice me writing poetry about her and taking her all in like my eyes are at an all-you-can-eat buffet and she is the meal. “

Hemorrhaged Hope

“I had the will to cut away the pavement

that made my feet hurt as they pounded

hurtling me past figures that leeched eagerness

I tried to see past metaphysical maybes that

made my head burn and cry out strings of lost thought

lost imagination

lost longings”


“I let my arms float to my side

Weightless due to the gentle breeze

I close my eyes once more

And imagine that I am a bird

Soaring aimlessly through the sky

Only attached to the ground by

The cool ocean crashing

Against my ankles

Burying my feet in the moist sand”

If Time Stopped

“If time stopped, we would have forever. We would spend eternity together, thinking about all that we might have done. Wondering what would have changed if we had lived differently. Pondering the infinite possibilities of everyone, and everything. All the places we might have been, all the things we might have seen.”

Dream in The First Place

“A scar built and made by unfocused hands,

Who wouldn’t want to say ‘I love you’ in the rain and thunder crash,

A ship sinking so well it forces laughter,

Life can be a burden, death can be a release,

And I can find my worth, my solitude, my soul

While flying on the shoulders of dreamers”


“I feel the sand sticking to my feet, falling off my skin, the air touching my skin as if someone was blowing on it.
The salt water getting in my mouth, spitting up the horrible taste, then eating watermelon, and dripping down my fruit pop.”

And I’m

“i’m sorry your tongue started bleeding
when i told you my name, given my hands
tell the same story and my back has the
same stains as a girl whose essence you once
stapled to your ceiling so if there
was an earthquake, she would be above you”