Kyra Starr Siegel
Kyra is in the 8th grade at the Abraham Joshua Heschel School on the Upper West Side. She enjoys writing all types of genres, plays, poetry, and realistic fiction.

“Cleanliness is nonexistent.
The rush of the system takes over.
Dirt and love coexisting.
Flying through tunnels and darkness.”


Cleanliness is nonexistent.

The rush of the system takes over.

Dirt and love coexisting.

Flying through tunnels and darkness.


The rush of the system takes over.

As the young and the old unite.

Flying through tunnels of darkness.

A music and culture smoothie awaits the lips of community.


As the young and the old unite.

We are covered in loud rhythmic love.

Flying through tunnels of darkness.

An ocean of difference and humanity.


We are covered in loud rhythmic love.

Zooming through our sleep-deprived home.

An ocean of difference and humanity.

As the platform door is closed


Zooming through our sleep-deprived home

Cleanliness is nonexistent.

As the platform door is closed.

Dirt and love coexisting.