BRIDGE: A Profile
Scales of tarmac,
riddled with fabrication.
Look! Listen!
Color explodes at a turn,
spindly emerald arms
grasp the industrial monument.
A New York Conversation.
Conical personality,
arched with pride.
A web of followers,
thirsty suspending wires,
justifying its foundation.
It is better than you.
Swagger than you.
Connecting hipsters
and businessmen,
Callous tourists
from Scandinavia stop and stare.
The first! The best!
Ashamed siblings gasp from afar,
a jaunty character,
a knowledgeable past.
It does not fall
no matter how many elephants
walk across it.
A bridge between two worlds
above regretful waters
ideas that didn’t make it
friends who left me
swept under the bridge.
A bird
one wing white,
the other black
one religion, one god
interpreted differently.
A bridge, the agreement
looms overhead.
One side,
a red hot passionate place
an era of appreciative nods was over
whoops and cheers were the new best thing.
The only kings that reign
rule with a guitar
and don’t care about crowns…
Five thoughts away
over passionate purple flagstones
a realm of culture ends.
A new road painted
by the left side of my brain…
Here it can add up.
A cherry blossom adorns a mahogany windowsill,
overlooking cerulean skies and turquoise oceans.
Both sides of the equations, equal.
Hospitals filled with cheers, no stillborns.
A bridge hangs above both.
A constant in both worlds.
Each side builds their half,
we were confused
when the ends did not meet–
some knew they wouldn’t.
Enter at your risk.
Try not to get wrapped up
in the spider webs.
Try not to drown
in the pools of abandoned construction equipment.
A ghost project.
A retired idea.
The dove laments–
No Hope. No Hope.
Then you decide to jump
the gap, the irregularity
where the project was thrown away.
I need to.
I leap the gap in my bridge everyday.
BRIDGE: Burning
By the light of the burning bridge
a new one is made
Two people
can part ways
over a coffee
an unsaid connection was broken between them
As they tiptoe apart
disappointed into the summer sun
they see the rest of the world for the first time
it’s been a long winter.
A lover’s bridge burns spectacularly
a dramatic, yet melancholy explosion
it ends quickly, the night enveloped in darkness once more .
Two friends
a passionate argument,
a disagreement, too strong a tension
for the bonds of friendship to uphold.
Disgusted letdowns.
Growing up and out of this,
growing pains and stretch marks
until something snaps.
A friend’s bridge glows an electric blue
and makes no sound as it falls,
dying visions of elementary school,
bus buddies forever…
Disappointment lightly dusts the river
where the bridge once stood.
Sometimes a bridge has to burn
Nothing went wrong.
Every minute with you
was full of understanding and horror movies.
marine biologists together
living on opposite sides
of the seas.
I will stand on a beach
in San Francisco
And know that on the other side of this big river,
you are reading books in French
and playing soccer.
I will stand on a beach
and I will feel the cool ash
of our burned bridge,
between my toes.