“Gone for a walk / The sun beaming hot on my back / Trees offer their shade to passersby / The sweet smell of summer in the air”
Gone for a walk
The sun beaming hot on my back
Trees offer their shade to passersby
The sweet smell of summer in the air
The sun beaming hot on my back
Soft breezes soothe me
The smell of summer in the air
The sweet aroma lingers wherever I go
Soft breezes soothe me
Like the pleasant chirping of the birds
The sweet aroma lingers wherever I go
I feel like a butterfly in its true habitat
Like the pleasant chirping of the birds
I can only hear when I’m quiet myself
I feel like a butterfly in its true habitat
I venture through nature like a bird through the skies
I can only hear when I’m quiet myself
Trees offer their shade to passersby
I venture through nature like a bird through the skies
Gone for a walk