
by Sophia Soloway, age 14
Sophia started writing in Writopia 4 years ago, in a week-long summer session. She attends 8th grade at Lakeland Copper Beech MIddle School, and spends her free time writing (obviously) and figure skating. She has been a vegetarian for almost 5 years.


Tears wiped from crinkled eyes, heads thrown back with laughter.

Petals waving in the wind. Fast moments.



Waves of blue sliding off of pale rocks. The world is fogged by the salty cover around you.


Hazy dreams that slip away from the moment you wake up.

Dreams that shake you, break you, but are forgotten the next day.


Tears wiped from crinkled eyes, heads thrown back with laughter.

Petals waving in the wind. Fast moments.


Pens and  papers left on desks and floors.

Abandoned. Left behind, broken.

Homework left on counters and people left alone.


Skies with pale spots moving across the horizon.

A canvas with drying paint and emotions flowing off.


Air whistling past your ears as you run across a track.

Birds flying from tree to tree, their blue wings flapping along with the rhythm of their tiny hearts.


Blonde lashes covering misty eyes.

Eyes surveying a crowd.
