
by Hershel Graubard, age 14
Hershel Graubard is an aspiring writer and actor, as well as a green been cosplayer enthusiast. He is currently ascending the ranks into ninth grade at Brooklyn Technical High School. A fun fact about him is that sometimes he stares into the void and the void stares back. This is his story.

“Somebody promises themselves they will change and reform their ways again, / Yet in the end it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks, yet people still try again and again.”


Somebody promises themselves they will change and reform their ways again,

Yet in the end it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks, yet people still try again and again.


The politicians promise they don’t accept bribes, they’ll be totally innocent,

Yet like their predecessors they’re not the saints they seem like again and again.


Genocides are nothing new, people in power say it’s for the greater good over and over.

They say it can’t happen here so we can forget, yet history seems to repeat itself again.


Driving down the long road of life, a careless driver hits a small deer,

A path of hershel lie behind him and each time the driver says they’ll be more careful, again.


Over and over,

Again and again.


Driving down the long road of life, a careless driver hits a small deer,

A path of hershel lie behind him and each time the driver says they’ll be more careful, again.