The Summer Breeze

Sydney S., age 12
Sydney is a 12-year-old in seventh grade. She enjoys writing poetry and other stories.

“The summer breeze whistles through my hair/
It swims through the grass and trees/
Makes the gleaming sun looks like a gem, so rare/
And dances on the waves in the seas.”

The summer breeze whistles through my hair 

It swims through the grass and trees

Makes the gleaming sun looks like a gem, so rare

And dances on the waves in the seas

Down on the beach, umbrellas shake

Knocking over ice cream, as if it wants the treat

And in the valley, wind darts across the lake 

Water splashes as the wind dances to the beat

But the summer breeze must transform

Another wind must interfere 

The draft still enters, but more like a storm

For fall, at last, has finally appeared