Monsters in the Dark, Part 1
“‘Alice, are you ready to go?’ Ian turned back from scrabbling through trash.”
“‘Alice, are you ready to go?’ Ian turned back from scrabbling through trash.”
“Once I broke the trust they had /
I regret breaking a pickle jar”
“I am from the heat of my village /
And the blizzard of a New York winter /
I can feel my sweat freeze”
“The first time was when I was eight. I’d been bouncing on the balls of my feet, waiting for my best friend outside in the scorching hot playground, but when she arrived, she told me she wanted a break from me and was going to go play with someone else today.”
“Mr. Murphy was a settling man who lived free of companions, but the fact of the matter is this – he was not lonesome. Lonesomeness in his case was silent and unclassified, but he did play around with his own concepts. He sat on the porch of our shack, drowsy and what seemed to be drunk.”
“Trapped in a hellhole. That is how I felt when I got shipped to a little farm 70 miles away from civilization. While rolling away from my parents’ driveway, my dad yelled, ‘Have fun at my parents’ house!'”
“Penguins are better than people. They are the most loyal animals, staying with their friends forever. When penguins find a partner, they never leave; they are together for life.”
“They’d been together for six years now. Six years. It still didn’t feel like that long.”