The Sorcerer

Jenna Riina

Her journey would be long
As if a sorcerer, she rose her hands in the air, calling upon the earth
The cold took hold, choking her in the darkness

Her journey would be long

She was new at kindling a fire

The flames were hungry but found no nutrients in the sands


Her journey would be long

As if a sorcerer, she rose her hands in the air, calling upon the earth

The cold took hold, choking her in the darkness


Her journey would be long

Without a fire, the night would be almost unbearable

But not for long– soon the sun would rise, setting the temperature aflame


Her journey would be long

She stuck to wrapping a skin around her body

The fat offered warmth


Her journey would be long

The yellow sun started to pulse, a deep orange and blinding white

Hot and beautiful


Her journey would be long

She started moving in her sleep

Strangled movements


Her journey would be long

Awake again, she glanced backward

She pawed through the sand


Her journey would be long

With no signs of water, she could die

But she would rather die trying


Her journey would be long

But she made it alive

And survived