
by Andrew Jacob Villardi, age 14
Andrew Villardi lives in Scotch Plains NJ. Andrew has been an budding writer for many years, who likes to write historical fiction and fantasy stories, due to his extreme love of all things foreign and historical. When he grows to be older, Andrew wishes to be an author and freelance Journalist, and wants to travel the world, to places like North Africa, and the Tibetan Plateau.

“Trees / Be it Children Running in the sun / Or an Old Couple picnicking in the Shade / They Watch”



Be it Children Running in the sun

Or an Old Couple picnicking in the Shade

They Watch

Be it Campers Joking in the dead of night

Or hikers smiling at the rising sun

They watch

Singing and Dancing in a sunny forest

Sleeping under the stars after a great day

They watch


They applaud as they watch the beauty of life carry on.