“Splashing / Playing / Sitting / Thinking / The ocean / My haven / I come here to breathe / To live”
The ocean
My haven
I come here to breathe
To live
It’s like I’m
Holding my breath
All day
For the moment
I can gulp salty air
And be reborn
My connection with
The waves
Tugs at me
Pulling me
Through the day
Until I’m back
Sitting on sandy shore
Wind tossing my hair
Water lapping my feet
Salt spraying my face
I come here to think
Something about this place
Calms me
Eerily soothes me
No one else
Comes to my beach
They say
The waves are too tall
Like big walls
You can’t get past
They say
The fog is too thick
Like a mask
To their vision
They say
No one will come here
Yet I do
Day after day
I come here
For what?
Who knows
To get away
From Mom
Sitting at home
Dad didn’t abandon us
All alone
With no clue
Where he is
Maybe I come
To forget
Forget about
My best friend
Now my enemy
To forget
How she left me
Just like
Everyone else
Or maybe
Maybe I just come
Out of habit
Longing for the tranquility
It brings me
Telling myself
It would be lonely
Without me
But really
I’m the one
Who gets lonely
And needs the ocean