
by Kate Richardson, age 15
Kate is a teen living and attending high school in the Bay Area. She is a full time psychology nerd and loves to journal and study social and behavioral sciences. As a teen writer she hopes to use poetry to bridge the gap between her love of music and writing.

“Drop a lightbulb onto any surface / Watch the splinters on the skin morph into perfect shards / Flying everywhere, exposing the wiring inside.”

Drop a lightbulb onto any surface

Watch the splinters on the skin morph into perfect shards

Flying everywhere, exposing the wiring inside.

A candle sputtering the last of its wick;

the wax dripping onto a finely polished table.

The anatomy of a kaleidoscope seems symmetrical

But bits of unshaped, colored glass reflecting each other

Create the eccentric designs and intangible pictures

Encased inside their hollow shell.

A hall full of mirrors gives no sense of direction

Walk round and round and watch everyone stare back.

Be entertained by the blistering paint

Observe it peel in long strips, bottom to top

as you hang upside down

from the ceiling