How to Help the Helpers

by Emma B, age 12
Emma Barniv is a twelve-year-old in South Salem, New York. The authors, Wendy Mass and Lisa Graff, are two of her favorites. She has been writing stories and poems since a young age and has a couple of self-published works. She now occasionally writes poems and short stories. Emma also enjoys photography, running, drawing, reading, and taking dance classes

“It matters not,
Whatever you bought,
It need not be a lot”

Put food into a sack,

That they may lack.

Do it for a nurse, or a med,

Cheese, chocolate, water, or bread.

It matters not,

Whatever you bought,

It need not be a lot,

It is not necessary, 

But it would be a kind thing to do.  

They will appreciate anything,

So, it need not have bling,

Or be fit for a king.

They work day and night,

There is no end in sight,

So, help the helpers!

Be kind,

And keep in mind

How fortunate you are.

There shall not be a doubt

That you are not lucky in every way.

No matter what your story or situation is,

Do not forget to say

Thank you to those who help us,

And discuss the things we are fortunate for more.

Do your part,

And add an item or two to the cart,

for the helpers.

In tough times,

Always remember what is most of significance is that you are kind,

So, help the helpers!