
Eleanor Pitchal
Eleanor Pitchal lives in Park Slope and is in 6th grade. She loves to read, write, and draw.

Flight is the pounding feeling in my heart when I am onstage,  about to perform Flight is the flurry of butterflies in the pit of my stomach when I  try something new Flight is […]

Flight is the pounding feeling in my heart when I am onstage, 

about to perform

Flight is the flurry of butterflies in the pit of my stomach when I 

try something new

Flight is the release of the softball as it goes whirling towards 

the batter

Flight is the excitement of my smile as the batter swings and 


Flight is my pencil as it flies across my paper

Flight is the blur of my legs as they run, running faster than ever, 

with my feet pounding on the pavement, my future ahead of me