
by Riik Acharya

“I went to a camp called Camp Zelo. It’s named after Erik Zelo, the discoverer of the land. It’s been in their family for generations. It’s full of adventure and discovery and the family really liked me. I was one of the best campers and…you’re not even listening”


Chapter 4: A Walk in the Woods


I woke up in a prison. I was being sentenced for 15 years of time for trying to steal a video game. I had no idea what just happened. I had to find a way out of this place. the problem was, I didn’t know who my family was. In fact, I didn’t know if I even had a family. I was all alone in prison. I had an urge to jog. It’s like this place was controlling me. Suddenly a cop came up to me.

“Trying to escape?” he said. “Escapers shall answer to the horn.”

“What’s so scary about a stupid horn?” I asked. I heard a huge horn noise that almost made me go deaf. I opened my eyes.

“WAKE UP!” yelled someone. Christopher burst into my tent with a chocolate covered donut and a jug of milk. “What do you think you’re doing!? It’s fifteen minutes past wake up time! How am I supposed to run a camp with a stupid kid who doesn’t follow rules!”

“What are you talking about?’ I asked. “It’s 4:30 in the morning!” I set an alarm for 8:00 am.”

“Didn’t I tell you we were going for a hike!? Everyone’s ready to go already! Who do you think I am!? Your butler!? I’ll give you 5 minutes before we leave!”

“Okay.” I said. I got out of bed and put on my hiking clothes. That guy was super annoying. This was a summer camp! It was not the marines! Thank god that my dad had packed everything the night before. the hike took two whole hours. We finally arrived at a training place in the forest that we were going to stay for a couple of days. However, we soon found that it was already taken

“What are you doing here?” asked a grown up. Christopher quickly shot back.

“We’re here to train for our second campetition match.” he said.

“Well get out!” he screamed. “This place is for good camps only.” I quickly realized that this was the camp that they owed $100,000.00 to.

“And don’t forget the $100,000.00 you owe us!” See, I told you.

“This,” said Christopher “is a bad man. he’s a selfish jerk who wants to expand his studying camp.”

“Indeed.” said Gale.

“Okay.”I said. “We should leave.”

“Yeah!” said another kid from the other camp. “Now get lost! And give Mr.Beasly his money! Studying is the future of summer!”

“No.” said Yoko. “I think we should play them in a game of kickball to see who gets to use the turf.”

“Yay!” said everyone but me. See, kickball was the next event of the campetition. However, we were sent back to camp on our two hour walk.

“This is so unfair!.” screamed Millie. “Why do we have to leave? I think they cheated.

“I know it’s harsh.” said Gale. “However, life’s not fair at all.”

“We can find another training site.” said my dad. “There are a ton of places we can go.”

“There’s a kickball field in our town.” I said. “We can go there. Wait. Do we all know how to play kickball?”

“What do you think?” asked Gabby. “Do we look like we were born yesterday?”

“I don’t know.” I said. “That field though is an hour away. We have to drive.”

“Are you crazy?” asked Gale. “A Zelo never drives. He hikes.”

It was a three hour hike to my town. Christopher actually made us bring our tents there.

“Zelos don’t sleep in hotels or houses!” he yelled at me. ‘We’re camping out on the baseball field.”

“That jerk!” I told my dad. “He runs this camp like a prison! It’s not enough that he made me get up at 4:30 two days ago, now we have to sleep in the baseball field!”

“Just deal with it son.” he said. “I know this will pay off sometime.” I couldn’t believe that that was the best advice he could give me. I know this is a camp, but it was like living in the wild. When we got there, it was 5:30 in the afternoon, and pouring rain. Then, we realized something. We didn’t have a kickball.

“I’ll get it!” I said. “My house is only two miles from here.” Luckily, my dad trusted me. I raced off until nobody could see me. Then I slowly walked to my house. It looked like heaven from where I was. Jake was getting a bowl of warm soup. I rushed into the house and got a blast of heat. I was definitely planning on staying. I got a bowl of soup and watched an episode of “Good and Bad”. After what I had just been through, I deserved it, no matter what everyone else said. Halfway through the episode, I dozed off. I fell asleep for a bit only to find out it had been a whole night. I woke up to a sunny day with the rain drying up.

“Hey,” said mom. “We have hot chocolate for breakfast. David’s going out to play baseball at the baseball field.  I was wondering if you’d like to join him and his friends.”

“What!?” I asked. I raced out of the house after grabbing the kickball. It took half an hour to run to the baseball field. David was already there. So were the others.

“You are still resisting the path of camp.” said Gale. “F.”


Chapter 5: The Big Ballgame


Thank god David was willing to train us, or those guys would’ve  teared me limb from limb from limb.David’s not the type of brother who’s always there for me. I don’t blame him though. Alot of brothers are like that. Big and little.

“Alright you turkeys!” yelled one of David’s friends. “Kickball isn’t for wimps! Line up in groups of two and make it snappy! Wait, no! You’re all one team, vs us. If you can’t beat us, you can’t beat nobody! Now move it!” I saw that this guy was no different than that camp director person what’s his name.

Let’s say for the record, we sucked. We played better at that match two days ago. The pitcher was out of shape, the game was an overall score of 1234567890 to 4, a grand slam scored by Gale.

“Wow, said my dad.”  “We really, truly, extremely, especially suck.” The worst part was that the match was tomorrow night.

“Okay.” said David. “Let’s see what we have here. Puny strength, slow running ability, zero sense of direction, with all that lameness, do you really think you can defeat them in battle?”

“Let’s teach them a couple of things.” said Mark. “It’s not like we’re mean people or anything.” Just by what he said, I knew he was being sarcastic.

“OK!” said David. “We’ll help them. Now see here kids. This round red thing, is a ball. You are supposed to kick it with your foot. Also, that white thing, is a base after you kick the ball, you are supposed to run to every base, and home. See this thing attached to my arm, that is called a hand. You use the hand to catch the ball when kicked. You also use it to throw the ball to basemen before the opponent gets there. Got it?” We all nodded, but with little question. They prepared us for the rest of the day, and tomorrow night, we clashed in a match with a camp called Best Camp Ever.”

“Okay.” said Christopher. “If you lose this game, you lose everything, and shall be subjected to labor for 10s of thousands of millions of centuries. Now get out there and win this thing or I will!”

“Yes, Chrissie.” said Girl. I laughed along with her only to earn a disapproving glare from my dad.

We were first up at kick. Steeler went first. He ran up to the ball and kicked it with all his might. Unfortunately, the ball didn’t go the way he wanted it to. But, just like my brother said, he took off after the kick. It was close, but he made it to first base. He gave the thumbs up, but it made Chris mad at him. Iand a couple of other kids gave him the thumbs up back. Next up, was MIllie.

“Kick the ball with all your might and then run, or you’ll get out just like the last turkey who didn’t listen to me.

“Don’t be such a jerk, dad.” said Gale. I rolled my eyes at and focused the other way. Millie kicked the ball.

I saw steeler slide under the arm of an opponent of someone who tried to push him. The pitcher picked the ball up and threw it to first base. Luckily, the guy dropped it allowing Steeleter and Millie to advance another base. Larry kicked the ball into the pitcher’s hand.

“Yer out!” said the ref. “Tough luck kid.” The game went on like that until the score was 78 – 79. The score was to 80. I was up to bat, and there was only one person on 1st base. I’d have to score a home run to make this work, because this was our second out this inning. I closed my eyes. The camp director was yelling at me, the team had 0 faith in me. I ran up, and kicked the ball with the inside of my foot, and it went to the pitcher. Wow! I didn’t care. I ran to first, and the first baseman dropped the ball and I slid under him to first. The others were going for Gabby, so I dashed to second base.

“C’mon.” said Christopher. “You have got to be kidding me with that kid.” Gabby made it to home, but I had stopped.

“GO!” yelled everyone. I didn’t know what I was doing, so I charged to the third. The ball was thrown at me, so I jumped over it and made it there. No sooner than I got there, I made a sharp turn for home. I almost slipped, but I ended up ducking under the ball. Putting this thing before my own safety, I slid for home. I rolled over and made it there. The whole team looked down at me.

“Did we win?” I asked again.

“Camp Zelo has won!” said the ref. The entire group cheered. But there, in the audience, I saw Beasley walk away. He was up to no good.


Chapter 6: Really Real Training


We went back to celebrate at the campgrounds; by having a campfire. We never, ever get to have campfires here. At least not that I’ve heard. We gathered around the campfire to roast marshmallows and tell stories. Christopher made announcement.

“This week, you guys have really shown improvement.” he said. “I’m proud of each and everyone of you. Even you, Steeler.”

“Say.” said Tom. “Where is Steeler? He’s supposed to be eating marshmallows right now.”

“Cut him some slack.” said Gale. “He’s been distant all night.” I suggested we tell some more stories tonight.

“No.” said Christopher. “It’s time for bed tonight. Although, we could dance.” Every single person sprang up, including me.

“Who’s ready to drop some beats?” asked Zipline. People started dancing. I went over to Steeler.

“Hey.” I said. “You wanna come over and dance with us? Even I’ve gotta admit it’s fun.” I saw a depressing look on his face. I suddenly knew what it was about.

“Look.” I said. “You don’t need to beat yourself up over the fact that you kicked the ball the wrong way. If Chris doesn’t appreciate your score, than that’s his fault. He did say he was proud of you.” He smiled as I turned to leave for my tent. Tomorrow was a big day.

That however, was not a good day. I awoke to find out that a video about my dad’s camp was being posted online. I busted through the doors of the main house to see what was up. Every single member was crowding around my DS.

“WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?” yelled Christopher. He was really mad, yet even more embaressed. The other campers tried not to keep from laughing hysterically. I went over to my 3DS and took a look at the video on YouTube.

“You have to believe me.” I said. “I’m not behind any of this!” It was clear that they already knew that, thank god.

“Something tells me, we’re going for a ride.” said Gale. “Right after lunch.”

We did our activities up to lunch. On Saturdays, our group has Ziplining, hiking, and swimming. After lunch, we went to the domain of Mr. Beasley, the evil camp person. That studying camp was called Camp Core, where they enslave kids with studying.

“Hey!” said a kid. “You don’t go to Camp Core!”

“Yeah, we don’t.” said Zipline. “We’re too awesome to waste our summer like that.”

“Quiet prisoner!” he yelled. “Follow me to your camp director. This camp looked like a paradise from the outside, and a school on the inside. More like a jail.

“Look at this place!” said Gale. “It’s abominable. it looks like the inside of a landfill.”

“I said QUIET!” he yelled. “The boss is in that door. I should get back to my digging. Oh, and did you see that hilarious youtube video about you?” We burst into the door.

“I see you’re here about the video. said Mr. Beasley. “Now into the studying prison. And give me my money or else. It’s no use for you, because that video is already making me money. NOW GET ME THAT HOSE SO I CAN USE IT ON YOU!”

“Now! said Zipline. Before you criticize me on what I did next, please keep in mind that… It was their fault. I picked up a chair and slammed his computer. Then I slammed his foot.

“OW!” he yelled. We ran away with the chair and threatened to use it on anyone who we passed.

“That was intense.” said Gale. “It was like a maze.”

“Doesn’t matter.” said Steeler. “We couldn’t take the video off of the internet! Now our reputation is ruined forever!” We went back to camp to start training for our next event, which was a mountain race. We had to climb up a mountain before the other team.

“Okay!” said Christopher. “In order to win, we must climb a mountain before they do. Let’s start at two hours.” Each of us climbed the mountain at our own pace. I used every edge I could. It wasn’t easy, but I made it up there in 12 hours, which was thirty seven minutes after Hags who was surprisingly unfit at that time.

“What was that!?’ asked Chris.

“But dad,” said Gale. “I made it up in 3 hours. C’mon. At first, you don’t succeed.”

“I’m not talking about you!” he yelled. “It’s everyone else I hate!” It took about a week, but I finally made it up in 2 hours after drinking milk and doing pushups.

“Now we go to one hour!” he said. Later, it was thirty minutes, and he was done.”

“Alright.” he said. “Now you are ready. You worked real hard, so go to bed. Campetition’s tomorrow night.”


Chapter 7: A Dream Based event

I woke up in prison again. I was eating gruel and watching the news. Apparently, a terrible accident had taken place. There was an ambulence. I saw Yoko and Gale.

“Hey guys!” I said. They didn’t seem to hear me. I saw the face of the injured guy on TV. It was … Christopher Zelo. It said that he was injured by who knows what? I turned right and saw Steeler and Zipline.

“You’re supposed to be carrying the police cheif.” said Zipline. “GET BACK TO YOUR POST OR I WILL!”

“But.” I asked.

“Butts are for pooping! said Steeler. “You are stuck with this job forever. You have no other choice.

“I uh..” I said. Suddenly, I woke up. I was in my tent. Tonight was the mountain climbing challenge. I just had to prepare for this. I spent the afternoon doing sit – ups and jumping jacks.

“Hey!” said Yoko. “What are you doing?” I paid no attention to him. I just walked away. You may think that was rude of me, but ever since I came to this camp, he’s been giving me the cold shoulder.

As I said, we were at the campetition that night. We were about to climb a mountain. I looked up into the night sky and noticed a helicopter in the distance. I first thought it was to help anyone who fell off, but then, I heard the sound of someone being tied up with duck tape over their mouth.

“Ready!” yelled the Ref. “Set! GO!” I jumped onto the first rock. I managed to grab it, but almost slipped. That’s when I Realized the rock was unstable. I grabbed the rock with my other hand. I couldn’t believe that Gale was over half a mile up in the air. I pulled myself up onto the next rock with my feet on the first. I was already out of breath.

“Come on.” I said. “Now? Of all times you legs.” I put one leg over the other. and put my hands on the fourth rock. I had a rope. I took it out, and threw it onto the eigth rock. I tried to climb up, but my body didn’t budge. It was already 9:30.

“Alright.” I said. “I’ll rest, but only for a minute. I rested for five minutes and gale seemed to be at the top. I also noticed that my rope hadd ripped and was more useless than my money when I got in trouble at school for slipping on a wet floor. I climbed up onto the seventh rock and looked up. Millie was at the top.

I jumped up and managed to grab the tenth rock. I climbed for another five minutes until I got to the thirtieth rock. My arms and legs were ready to kill me for abusing them through mountain climbing. But now, I had a whole new problem to deal with. The wall was litterally going in and out and I had to scale those. By the time I made it to the last lock, I was exhausted to no end. I reached for the the rock, but something else hit it first and I fell off the mountain.

Not to worry, I handed back first on a big concrete rock which looked like a hand. The opponent jumped ahead of me, scaling rocks like nobody’s business. Then, I was ambushed by a rock slide.

“Somebody get me off of this stupid thing!” I yelled.

“Dumb kid.” I heard Christopher say. “Hold on, I’m coming up here.” I was hit in the face with a pebble.

“Ow.” I said. Luckily, I dodged a bigger rock that came my way. Chris was jumping up on the rocks. Now, I was in for a real attack. A few rocks pushed me off of the ledge, but I was able to grab onto it. However, nobody could hear me, because I was under the rocks, but I had heard three missiles being shot at me. When they hit the rocks, I fell… right into the hands of Christopher, who was hanging on the rock below.

“Ready?” he said

“Ready for what?” I asked suspiciously. Christopher drew me back, and he threw me over the rockslide. Let me tell you, that he had a really good arm. I passed the competitor and reached for the top yet again, but this time, I caught it and tried to hoist myself up. The other guy jumped for the top. Luckily, Gale, Zipline, and Gabby grabbed by hand and pulled me up. We had won!

That however, was not our concern when Christopher climbed down the mountain. A missile hit the rock he was on. Chris let go and grabbed onto a rock much below. This time, the missile hit the rock that was underneath him which his foot was on.

“He’ll never survive!” said Hags. And he was right. Chris fell off of his rock down onto the floor below. I saw Mr. Beasly in the helicopter flying away. He was evil now. The I saw Christopher. he wasn’t even dead! He was just badly injured. They put him in the hospital van just like they did on the TV.

“Wait.” I said. “If my dream about Chistopher getting injured came true, then that means that… Oh no.”