Anger and Fear

by Reagan Prior, age 16; Sara Traynor, age 16; and Ethan Kim, age 16
Reagan Prior is a junior at Clarkstown South High School. She likes to write fantastical and thrilling fiction. She likes thunderstorms better than sunshine. / Sara is a junior at Clarkstown South High School. She writes everything, but really likes memoir. In fiction, she often includes a nefarious character named Janine. / Ethan Kim is a junior at Nyack High School. He is an avid poet who writes and edits for his school's literary magazine.

“Anger and fear are very similar / they both lead to death / fear: the most powerful spark in history / anger: a flame that burns faster”


Anger and fear are very similar

they both lead to death

fear: the most powerful spark in history

anger: a flame that burns faster


They both lead to death

crossing a high, wooden bridge

anger: a flame that burns faster

plunging us unwillingly into the waters below


Crossing a high, wooden bridge

chasing our hopes for love, for glory, for honor

plunging us unwillingly into the waters below

where rapids pummel our limbs


Chasing our hopes for love, for glory, for honor

swimming against the tides of time

where rapids pummel our limbs

shoving us towards the shores of death.


Swimming against the tides of time

anger and fear are very similar

shoving us towards the shores of death.

fear: the most powerful spark in history