“Anger and fear are very similar / they both lead to death / fear: the most powerful spark in history / anger: a flame that burns faster”
Anger and fear are very similar
they both lead to death
fear: the most powerful spark in history
anger: a flame that burns faster
They both lead to death
crossing a high, wooden bridge
anger: a flame that burns faster
plunging us unwillingly into the waters below
Crossing a high, wooden bridge
chasing our hopes for love, for glory, for honor
plunging us unwillingly into the waters below
where rapids pummel our limbs
Chasing our hopes for love, for glory, for honor
swimming against the tides of time
where rapids pummel our limbs
shoving us towards the shores of death.
Swimming against the tides of time
anger and fear are very similar
shoving us towards the shores of death.
fear: the most powerful spark in history