And You Feel Like a Child

by Leigh Stern, age 17
Leigh Stern is a homeschooled high school student from New York City. She has had an essay published before in Entropy Lit Magazine, and loves writing and editing. She also enjoys handwork, and loves spending her free time knitting, sewing, dabbling in carpentry, and saving quotes from books she is reading. Leigh would like to wholeheartedly thank the Writopia Publishing Lab Team for this opportunity to publish this poem in The Ellipsis!

“your ceiling
is your sky, and Now
becomes engulfing”

Stay home, they say, stay home.

And you think that they sound

like reprimanding parents,

and you feel like a child

as you look outside your window

and nod.

And you remember, staring beyond the window panes,

how they told you that

the sky was your limit.

But you look up now and see that your sky is the ceiling,

painted white.

Your world has a ceiling,

and your far away plans

become necessities, because your ceiling

is your sky, and Now

becomes engulfing

as you stare

and look

and nod

out your window,

like a child.