“Dear Blue, /
I hope you’re doing well. /
But recently I heard you are doing quite bad.”
Dear Blue
Dear Blue,
I hope you’re doing well.
But recently I heard you are doing quite bad.
I hope to meet today, by the morning bell.
So you can explain to me why you are feeling so sad.
Was it Red? Did he tease you again?
Or was it Yellow? Did he boast his intellect?
Did someone visit you at your den?
Please tell me, I have a suspect.
I think it was me!
I told you who I wanted you to be.
I want you to know: that wasn’t me.
Feel better soon,
Your friend, Maroon.
Dear Maroon
Dear Maroon,
Thanks for checking in.
I hope you don’t think I’m mad.
Or in the loony bin.
When I say I’m not feeling bad.
The truth is, I ran away from you.
Your constant blabbering of speech.
You say so many things I know aren’t true.
So please, the next time you screech.
Don’t say what you want to be.
Because I’m really tired of you pretending to be like me.
I want you to know: you aren’t me.
I’m through with you,
See ya, Blue.
Dear Brown
Dear Brown,
I have no idea what to do.
The Rainbow Dance is coming up.
And I don’t know if I should ask Pink or Blue?
If they want to take my offer up.
To dance… with me.
Pink is really cute.
But Blue is beautiful as far as the eye can see.
It’s like two sides of my brain are in dispute.
So please, help me out.
So I no longer have to strut about,
Worrying about who to ask out.
I’ll promise I’ll pay,
For the advice, Gray.
Dear Gray
Dear Gray,
The choice is obvious.
I don’t mean to be mean.
But I’m just saying, you’re kind of oblivious.
I know exactly why you’d be keen.
I know I would.
The color is just perfect for you.
I promise, I know you should.
So don’t ask either Pink or Blue.
I’d very much like it if you asked me.
No pressure, but I can see,
That you clearly want to be with me.
So stop acting so down,
I’ll see you at the dance, Brown.