Tay Baks is a 7th grade 13-year-old writer. She's been writing since kindergarten when she went home and decided to write a story about a big friendly dinosaur. Since then, her dream was to become a world renowned author. She's also interested in going into finance, business, and entrepreneurship. But even so, she's always said that "No matter what profession I go into, I will always write. No matter where I am, I will always write. No matter my age, I will always write." She has tried to hold true to that statement and wants to get more of her pieces published.
“I have an idea / It’s on the / Tip / Of my tongue”
I have an idea
It’s on the
Of my tongue
And there lies our problem
I can’t get it
It’s like a 5,000 pound ball
I want to say what’s on my mind
If only I can figure out
So I write
For this writer’s block poetry
Because all I can write
Is that I can’t…